Friday, December 21, 2012

Merry Christmas!

Merry Christmas from our family to yours!
Our previous cards: 2011 (Last Year)
And 2010 (Our first Christmas with Faith :)
Our family loves Christmas Cards! :) Merry Christmas! Love, The Jeanes Family

Tuesday, November 27, 2012


Everyone head over to In This Wonderful Life and check out her most recent giveaway!

Monday, October 22, 2012

Stella & Dot

Hey, guys! Head on over to! She's giving away awesome credit to Stella & Dot--gotta love some amazing jewelry! :) Elizabeth

Saturday, April 21, 2012

Whew! It has been awhile since I have blogged--I'm obviously awful at this! But between school, work, and family, my time has been stretched thin. I do want to start back blogging, as I believe it is very therapeutic, as well as a nice way to keep up with Faith's development and milestones. So here goes- School has been crazy! I am taking 21 hours this semester, and I will never. do. that. again. It has literally been nonstop. I took 18 hours last semester, so I thought it would be about the same amount of stress. I was wrong--that extra 3 hours is killing me!! I'm taking 12 hours this summer, so hopefully after the summer, it'll be much calmer. Faith is growing by leaps and bounds!! She turned two in February,and we had a fun party for her at our house. We bought a big blow up bounce house and moved all of our furniture to fit it in our large living room. The kids had a blast!! My nephew Braxton's birthday is the day before Faith's, so we ended up having their party's on the same day, one right after the other! Faith has the best personality of any kid I've ever met. I'm sure that's because I'm her mother, and I'm biased, but I really do think she's so unique. She's so intelligent--she knows all of her colors, shapes (including 'semi-circle' and 'trapezoid'--thank you Team Umizoomi!), she can count to 10, recognizes her numbers 1-10 (we were on an elevator the other day and went to the eighth floor--she yelled 8 really loud to everyone who could hear her!). She has such a large vocabulary, and is so friendly. We'll be walking through Wal-Mart, and she'll just wave and say 'hi' to everyone that we see. She's sweet as pie, and I love her sense of humor!! She will do anything to make anybody laugh! She is beginning to really show her temper, though. She threw a huge fit today. These "fits" have just begun, and I am at a loss for words as for what to do. Do any of you mom's have/have had that problem with your two year old?? I know they say the "terrible two's" are a phase, but how in the world do I control a fit when she throw's it in the middle of the store?? Am I destined to stay at home with her for fear of a spontaneous fit? Ugh--I'll be ready when she gets out of this phase!!! I'll leave you with a few pictures of our princess---soem are from Easter, and some are just random pictures from here or there.

Tuesday, September 6, 2011

Labor Day

Well, school is in full swing! I had my first two nutrition exams (I'm taking the 8 week class, so we have a unit exam per week. I made a 94 on the first and a 100 on the 2nd. My first Chem. exam is today, so wish me luck!! It's been go-go-go for the past 2 weeks, so Labor Day was a nice break!
So, for our Labor Day, we finally had nice weather for a change! It has been so hot here, with average temps 106-108 and awfully humid (Not as humid as Arkansas, but much more humid that we are used to when we've lived in Lubbock TX for the past several years!) So, Faith and I woke up and had breakfast with Meg and Braxton, then went to the park for an hour and a half! The weather was in the upper 60s/low 70s and was so nice!! :) The kids haven't been able to play all summer because of the heat, so they were taking advantage of this! Then Meg and I went to WalMart to get a few things before Faith and I headed home for lunch. My poor child was so exhausted she didn't even eat lunch before she crashed for her afternoon nap! I studied for a bit while she slept, then she woke up and we played some more! :) It was all in all a great day with my little princess...daddy was working in Kansas so he didn't get to spend the day with us but we'll spend time with him when I get home from school tonight!
Anyways, Just thought I'd post a short one before I head to class. Hope everybody has a great day! :)

Friday, August 26, 2011


Wow! School is in full swing and my life just got busier than ever!!! In addition to taking 15 hours( which is in OKC--an hour and a half drive from home!) I am working full time (40 hours a week) and have my hands full with a very busy 18 month old!! Yes, life is hectic, but hey, it's worth it!! My schedule is so busy----usually I take Mondays off because these are when a few of my tests are scheduled, plus I use this time to prepare for class on Tuesday. Tuesday I have class in the city until 4:30, then its a long drive home! Wednesday I usually work from 7a-7p, then come home, play with Faith until I put her to bed, then try to study till about Midnight or so. Thursdays are my busy class days. Since I have lab at 9:30 am, I try to leave home by 7-7:30 to give me enough time to get through busy OKC traffic (especially I44) and find time to park (nearly impossible!) and review my lab before class starts. I hate being rushed and I hate being late, so I like to get there at least 30-45 minutes before class starts! I get home around 6-6:30 on Thursdays and play with Faith until I put her to bed. I try to stay up as late as I can to study. I study on Fridays, then work 7p-7a Fridays and Saturdays. Sundays I sleep after I get off work until around 3-ish, then I get up, play with Faith, and study for exams on Mondays. Then it starts all over again!
I feel awful for not spending enough time with Faith. Do any of you college moms feel that way?? I mean, I have to work, and I have to study at some point, but it just feels like I'm robbing her of her 'mommy time', which I cherish so much since she is growing up so fast :( I hate missing out on any part of her life, so I feel guilty all the time!! I know I need to finish school to give her the best possible life, but it just feels like it's unfair :(
Another thing that is unfair is the strain all of this puts on our marriage. Sean is very supportive of me going back to school, but I feel like I'm always going going going, and any free time I get is to spend with Faith. It just feels like our marriage gets put on the back burner. He knows its a short term deal, and as soon as school is over we can be ourselves again, but it just seems like there are not enough hours in the day :(
I'd love to hear from other moms/wives/students about how you manage your time. Do you ever feel guilty about not spending enough time at home??
Look forward to your responses! :)


Tuesday, August 9, 2011

Worst. Blogger. Ever.

Wow. I am the worlds worst at blogging!!! It has now been a YEAR (that's right, I said a YEAR!!) since I last blogged. So obviously, a LOT has happened!! I am going to do my BEST to start blogging again, so forgive me this time ;) I'll try to do a semi "quick" recap of the last year.

We just recently relocated to Weatherford OK last month. UGH--I am not happy about it at all!! Oklahoma, I have determined, is the WORST state ever! Can't wait to get back to Texas, hopefully in the next year or two!!!

I start school on the 22nd...very excited to be going back. Hopefully I will not have to take anymore breaks and can get finished with my nurse practitioners over the next few years!!!

Faith is now 18 months old!! Where has the time gone?! She is so much fun to be around. SOO smart! She is 31" and 22.5 lbs. Her hair is finally starting to grow, a very pretty honey blonde color! She has the BIGGEST beautiful blue eyes--you just get lost in them!! She just cut her 5th tooth (yes, her 5th, she is a very slow teether!) and we are praying that more come in soon. It would be much easier to feed my little rascal if she had more teeth!! She just got over a bout of pneumonia (thankfully we caught it time and she was put on antibiotics--no hospital stay!) She is much better now....back to her daredevil self! She loves her mommy and daddy, and loves her grandma!! She is in that very curious stage, and climbs up on EVERYTHING! I swear, one day I will find her on the refrigerator or something crazy, I'm sure lol! She is very smart...she can repeat nearly everything you say (we are having to be very careful now!) She can point to all of her body parts (head, ears, eyes, nose, mouth, elbow, knees, toes, and her favorite--her belly button!) She loves to dance. She loves music. She laughs all the time, and loves to make everyone laugh--she's our little clown. She'll do something crazy, laugh at herself, then look at you with a big grin to make sure you're laughing too! She loves bathtime and cuddling with mommy and daddy. She loves playing with cousin Braxton (My mother in law watches him during the week while Meg is at work). She is just at that age that is a blast, and I love every minute of it! (Well, minus the "several times a day" I have to put her in the time out chair!!)

Anyways, that's a quick version of what we are up to. I will try to start blogging regularly from now on and post pictures each time!!
Love you all!
Liz, Sean and Faith