Friday, December 21, 2012

Merry Christmas!

Merry Christmas from our family to yours!
Our previous cards: 2011 (Last Year)
And 2010 (Our first Christmas with Faith :)
Our family loves Christmas Cards! :) Merry Christmas! Love, The Jeanes Family

Tuesday, November 27, 2012


Everyone head over to In This Wonderful Life and check out her most recent giveaway!

Monday, October 22, 2012

Stella & Dot

Hey, guys! Head on over to! She's giving away awesome credit to Stella & Dot--gotta love some amazing jewelry! :) Elizabeth

Saturday, April 21, 2012

Whew! It has been awhile since I have blogged--I'm obviously awful at this! But between school, work, and family, my time has been stretched thin. I do want to start back blogging, as I believe it is very therapeutic, as well as a nice way to keep up with Faith's development and milestones. So here goes- School has been crazy! I am taking 21 hours this semester, and I will never. do. that. again. It has literally been nonstop. I took 18 hours last semester, so I thought it would be about the same amount of stress. I was wrong--that extra 3 hours is killing me!! I'm taking 12 hours this summer, so hopefully after the summer, it'll be much calmer. Faith is growing by leaps and bounds!! She turned two in February,and we had a fun party for her at our house. We bought a big blow up bounce house and moved all of our furniture to fit it in our large living room. The kids had a blast!! My nephew Braxton's birthday is the day before Faith's, so we ended up having their party's on the same day, one right after the other! Faith has the best personality of any kid I've ever met. I'm sure that's because I'm her mother, and I'm biased, but I really do think she's so unique. She's so intelligent--she knows all of her colors, shapes (including 'semi-circle' and 'trapezoid'--thank you Team Umizoomi!), she can count to 10, recognizes her numbers 1-10 (we were on an elevator the other day and went to the eighth floor--she yelled 8 really loud to everyone who could hear her!). She has such a large vocabulary, and is so friendly. We'll be walking through Wal-Mart, and she'll just wave and say 'hi' to everyone that we see. She's sweet as pie, and I love her sense of humor!! She will do anything to make anybody laugh! She is beginning to really show her temper, though. She threw a huge fit today. These "fits" have just begun, and I am at a loss for words as for what to do. Do any of you mom's have/have had that problem with your two year old?? I know they say the "terrible two's" are a phase, but how in the world do I control a fit when she throw's it in the middle of the store?? Am I destined to stay at home with her for fear of a spontaneous fit? Ugh--I'll be ready when she gets out of this phase!!! I'll leave you with a few pictures of our princess---soem are from Easter, and some are just random pictures from here or there.