Saturday, August 7, 2010

We're back...

Well, we're back from Arkansas, twice...unfortunately, a mere few days after we left, my great grandmother passed away at her home at the age of 99 1/2. (yes, the 1/2 does matter at that age!!) She lived a wonderful life and will be missed by so many. Unfortunately, we had to drive to Arkansas for that trip, and let's just say--we won't be doing that again!! Traveling in a car with a 5 1/2 month old for that long of a trip is MISERABLE! Our poor little girl just didn't tolerate the trip there that well. Thankfully, the trip home wasn't as bad...but we felt so bad that she had to endure it at all! :( What should have been a 12 hour trip turned into 24 on the way there! Needless to say, we were exhausted! It was a nice service, and I was blessed to be able to go home for it. I was happy to see my family, even under the circumstances! Faith did wonderfully once we got there...even thorough the RECORD breaking heat wave! (There were days that we were there that the heat index was in the 120s...oh how i HATE humidity!!) It was even too hot to swim!! We tried to jump in the pool, but it was TOOOOO warm! Anyways, I am thankful we were able to go when we did and get our wonderful pictures and memories captured before my granny passed away...5 generations is such a blessing, especially at my age! I was lucky to have my granny for as long as we did...we'll all miss her terribly! :(

Here are some more pictures from our first trip...taken by the WONDERFUL Natasha Parvin! Look her up on blogspot or on facebook: Butterfly Kisses...Memories by Natasha! She was so amazing...and went the extra mile to finish a couple of pictures from our family portrait and have them printed off for us at VERY SHORT notice! She even hand delivered them to our house to make sure we had them for the services. We are so amazingly BLESSED to have had her document our memories, and we will definately be using her for our family pictures from now on!!

Monday, July 26, 2010

First Family Vacation! :)

We're baaaaack :) This week we took Faith on her first vacation....our first FAMILY vacation! :) We were verrrrry nervous about traveling with our 5 1/2 month old little girl...especially on the plane! Well, we didn't have to worry after all....she did WONDERFUL! Four flights total, and she didn't shed a single tear! We have a little jet setter!! I was very excited to get to see my family...although it was bittersweet. My great-grandmother is 99 1/2 years old (yes, we have FIVE generations in our family!) While I was lucky to get to have my daughter meet her great great grandmother, I couldn't help but cry at the thought of leaving her for teh last time. I know, as a nurse, and knowing the condition she is in, that she will not be with us for long. I know that at her age, the best thing will be when God himself opens his arms and welcomes her home. But selfishly I wish she would magically get better and stay with us longer. I know that being with Him is the best anybody can ever dream of, but it still saddens me :( I am happy that we were able to have our pictures made with all of the kids and family :) I have a few sneak peak pictures of our vacation...the rest will come in a few weeks! Can't wait till Christmas to see everybody again!!! I miss my family TOO much and hate spending this much time away! :( Faith loved meeting all of her family and she did so was a very tiring trip ( 4 days is just NOT ENOUGH!) and our little angel handled it so well! Enjoy these few pictures...look forward to posting more when we get all of them back! Our photographer was amazing-----Look her up: Butterfly Kisses~Memories by Natasha.

Sean, Liz & Faith

Monday, July 5, 2010

Faith's First 4th of July! :)

Well, this week has been fun!! James & Leslie came in to spend some time with us, and we all celebrated the 4th of July together! First, on Saturday, we fed Faith her first baby food!! She will be 5 months on the 10th, but up until this point she has only had breastmilk and formula (with a little rice cereal mixed in). So this was definately a big milestone. We started with apples, but they made her sneeze for some odd reason. It was sooooo funnny seeing her reactions to the food...she made some of the cutest faces! :) So since she was sneezing (and we were worried about an allergic reaction) we stopped the apples and switched to bananas. She wasn't too sure about those, but at least they didn't make her sneeze. I have a feeling it'll take awhile to get her used to these first foods. We also tried pear juice (she has been a little constipated since we started the rice cereal) but she didn't like the juice at all :( Oh will come soon enough. Then, Sean, Faith & I went to church Sunday morning, and then were very sad to hear that the McKenzie Park Firework Show had been canceled! :( So we went and bought fireworks to shoot for Faith's first fireworks show at home! :) We love living out of the Lubbock city limits and having that opportunity! Leslie & I first went to Wal Mart to grab a few things to cook James' birthday dinner (His bday is on the 8th). So we had a great dinner of porkchops, green beans & Mac-n-cheese. Then we got ready! We had bought two small Kids Packs (Which had all of the cutesy fountains, sparklers, etc...only things that didn't have a lot of noise!) and also bought a big artillery shell pack. Faith had fallen asleep before we set up, but luckily woke up before we started! I was so worried how she would react to the sounds...even though I kept my hands over her ears. She did fantastic!! She loved it...even kept making "oohing" sounds at all of the pretty fireworks. All of our neighbors were shooting big fireworks as well, so it ended up being a beautiful show! After we finished with the first big pack of shells, James & Sean decided they HAD to get another pack so they could shoot both at the same time (even though each shell was a double shot--they wanted 4 at a time!) Oh well, it was beautiful and Faith enjoyed it...even though mommy was (and is) paranoid about her having hearing damage!! I hope eveyone enjoyed their Independance Day...we sure enjoy celebrating all of Faith's first holidays and creating new family memories! :) We leave for Arkansas to visit my family 2 weeks from Thursday (on the 22nd) so my next post will have an update after our first family vacation!! Hope y'all have a wonderful next few weeks! :)

Sean Liz & Faith

Tuesday, June 29, 2010

Daddy's birthday, Faith's first roadtrip and wedding...

Well, this week was a busy one!! Sean's birthday was on Saturday, and it was Faith's first time to celebrate with him!! We decided to have the main celebration at home on Friday night, since we were leaving Saturday morning to go to Stephanie's wedding in Haskell. Sean loved his birthday! We got him a toolbox, a tool set, some knee pads, and a new pair of dress shoes. He also had a cute little cake! He loved everything!! Faith was excited as well ;) Then, on Saturday morning, we left bright and early for Haskell to attend Stephanie's wedding. We were worried how Faith would do, both at the wedding and on the road, but she surprised us! She was a WONDERFUL baby!! Didn't cry at all at the wedding, and did great on the road, both there and back!! Stephanie's wedding was beautiful, and Faith was adorable! Here are a few pictures to was a great weekend!! James & Leslie will be down for the 4th, and I'll post more pictures then of Faith's first Fourth of July!! Hope everybody has a safe holiday!!

Sean, Liz & Faith!!

Tuesday, June 22, 2010

4 1/2 months....First Father's Day :)

Father's Day was wonderful!! :) Sean enjoyed his gifts and cards for his first Father's day, and Faith was absolutely adorable during the church service. Faith is growing like a weed....look at her pictures!! It's crazy how fast she is growing up....makes mommy sad!! This weekend is Stephanie's wedding so I'll post more then!! Hope everybody has a great week! :)

Wednesday, June 9, 2010

4 months!

 our little princess is 4 months old! I can NOT believe she is growing this fast. I know every mom says that...but it's true. It feels like last week we were coming home from the hospital and spending our first night at home as a family of 3. It just all seems so surreal.

Faith is getting to be such a big girl now! :) She is such a happy baby, even though she is teething! This morning she got her 4 month check up and shots :( He says she is very healthy, and developing extremely well! :) She holds her head up perfectly now...can track an object as far as her little neck will let her, and we are working on sitting up unassisted. She can roll from belly to back and back to belly. She holds objects, throws them, and bangs on everything. She laughs out loud constantly, and loves to be tickled!! She LOVES her bathtime with mommy and daddy every night! She loves the tv....we keep her away from it as much as we can...but she does like to watch Mickey Mouse Clubhouse every once in a while!! We're going to be getting the "Your Baby Can Read" system and starting her on that soon! She also is such a girly girl! She LOVES clothes....she'll stare at certain outfits with a huge smile on her face! She loves her bows, and LOVES purses and shoes! She has a blanket with purses and shoes on it, and she just stares at each one very seriously. And she HATES being messy! She gets fussy if she has anything on her face or if she is wet. We literally go through a box of diapers a week! But she's the sweetest little thing and such a doll! We love her to pieces and are so proud of her!

Anyways, back to her appointment today...Dr Alami has decided he wants us to start her on cereal. Now I was COMPLETELY against this! I wanted to keep her strictly on formula until after 6 months! But Faith has such bad acid reflux and throws up constantly...and a lot of the time she just throws up straight clear acid :( So he said the rice cereal will help the formula stay down and help neutralize the acid in her tummy. So, tonight we gave it a shot. We first mixed a little bit and tried to feed it to her with the spoon. That didn't go over so well! She was okay with it at first, but once the cereal started getting on her face, she started getting angry! We tried to keep her face as clean as possible but she still wasn't having it! Oh well, it made for the cutest little video of her pouty face! So we put a teaspoon in her bottle as Dr. Alami instructed us to, and she took that. It still took us awhile to get her to sleep tonight, due to the fact she's teething, has a mild earache due to teething, and the fact that she had her shots today. Poor little thing!
Another new thing: Faith is very vocal! She loves music, loves to bounce and tries to dance when she is standing up! She also loves to sing and talk! She coos and babbles and smiles and laughs, and it is the most precious thing I have ever heard! I absolutely love it! :)

Well, I've written a book, so I'll update more later! Here are some pictures of her recently since I haven't posted in awhile! :)

Liz, Sean & Faith :)

Sunday, May 16, 2010

13 weeks...sick baby :(

Well, this week started out uneventful enough. Faith is growing like a weed...and getting more adorable by the minute! Leslie and James came in this weekend to visit their neice, and we've been enjoying their company. Yesterday we went to Stephanie's graduation from Tech, and she got to meet Pat, Steve, and Pat's mother while she was there. She did really well. Then, we got home, Faith started getting really sick. Stuffy/Runny nose, Cough, Congestion...poor thing is miserable. It started getting so bad that she wouldn't sleep flat. The minute I would lay her down she would start crying, acting like she couldn't breathe :( Poor thing! So we called Dr. Alami, and he wanted us to take her to the ER to get checked out. They think it is just a really bad cold...something that we just have to ride out. I hate seeing her so miserable! So last night, she slept lying on my chest while I sat up in bed...This morning I have a stiff back and neck, but it's worth it that she got a little bit of sleep....not much, but some. This morning she isn't any better....still really congested. I pray it doesn't turn into anything worse. We missed church this morning, since Faith was sick...but hopefully we'll be back next week! Anyways, just pray for our little one...that she has a full and speedy recovery!
I'll put up more pictures later when I have time to upload them!
Liz & Sean

Saturday, May 8, 2010

12 weeks old!

Ahhh 12 little girl is 3 months already! It does not seem possible!! Faith is doing great...still teething, and poor thing is handling it better than mommy! We did buy the teething tablets...haven't seen a huge improvement, but then again, she hasn't been in too much pain yet. She just drools and chews on everything! She is so adorable though...We are definately blessed with the most beautiful girl ever. Developmentally, Faith is ahead of the game! She's rolling over, lifting herself up, grasping everything, trying to talk, and this week, we're working on sitting up! Hopefully soon she'll be able to sit herself upright! She smiles allllll the time! We did discover one bad thing though....she is afraid of the dark. Let me explain: Last week, we went to Walmart. By the time we were finished, it was dark outside. Faith got into the car, and not 5 minutes later was screaming so loud, crying so hard she was shaking. She was inconsolable. It absolutely broke my heart, I cried right along with her! We just could not figure out what made her act that way. Fast forward....this week, we did the same thing. Again, she started screaming and crying before we could even get out of the parking lot. The only common denominator? Dark. If anybody else has experienced this, PLEASE let me know! I just feel so bad for her! We will defiantely not be taking her anywhere after dark again!! :( Anyways, she's still sleeping throughout the least 6-8 hour stretches! We are definately lucky! :)) My first Mothers Day is tomorrow and I can't wait....such a special time. I am definately very proud and very blessed to be able to have my little girl! Again, I leave you with pictures! More updates to come! :)


Sean, Liz & Faith :)

Tuesday, May 4, 2010

11 weeks....and teething! :(

Well, we have discovered that Miss Faith has started teething! :( Isn't it early?? We noticed she was getting fussy...which is unusual for her. We have been so extremely blessed with such a good baby...she really doesn't cry unless there is a reason (hungry, diaper change, etc.) But the past few days she has just cried and cried, this awful painful cry, and we couldn't figure out what was wrong. Then we noticed she was putting her ENTIRE fist in her mouth and gnawing on it...and drooling A LOT. We put 2 + 2 together...and finally figured it out. Poor thing...I feel awful!! But we are stocked with Tylenol (CVS brand, mind you), and teething rings, and cold washcloths, and I'm going to get some Orajel tonight. I pray she doesn't have TOO hard of a time! Other than that, everything has been great. Faith is doing very well...aside from her first ER visit the beginning of this week! She stopped breathing for about a minute or two...scared me to death. Turns out it's just her reflux and she had a choking episode. I really hope she grows out of that...she is constantly spitting/throwing up, and I hate it! It doesn't seem to bother her any, unless it chokes her. We just make sure we burp her really well, and leave her sitting up after her feedings. Gripe water also helps immensely with the hiccups. She is rolling over constantly now, and trying to crawl! I think this child will crawl before she sits up!! We are working on sitting up now...and pretty soon going to get a Bumbo seat. She is also holding her bottle now! (Well, part of the time anyways!) I can't believe she's growing up so fast...Tomorrow she will be 3 months old! Mommy gets teary eyed just thinking about it! Anyways, hope everyone has a great always, I will leave you with a few pictures of our beautiful little girl!! :)


Sean, Liz & Faith :)

Tuesday, April 27, 2010

10 weeks!

Okay, I think this post will catch me up! yay :)

Faith is growing so quickly! She is smiling alllll the time now, and "silently" laughs at us when we smile at her! She has been rolling over from her back to belly for a few weeks now, and has gotten really good at it! She can hold her head up really well, and loves her tummy time mat! She's so alert and follows you around the room.....such a smart little girl. And she LOVES music!! She watches Dancing with the Stars with mommy, and mommy moves her legs around like she's dancing and she LOVES it! :) I can't wait till she gets old enough and I can enroll her in ballet and dance....she'll be so cute! :) Although, I do want to keep her little........I don't want her to grow up yet! She's still my little baby! :) Healthwise she's doing well...she has really bad acid reflux, so she spits up ALL the time :( But it doesn't seem to bother her! Dr. Alami suggested we try to give her rice cereal after her feedings, but I dont' want to start that just yet! She's too young, and I really don't want to start cereal feedings until she's 5-6 months old. If anyone has had experience with this problem let me know! I'd love some advice! :)

Here are some more pictures of our little munchkin! Enjoy!
Sean, Liz & Faith! :)

9 weeks!

A little behind, but I'll use this time to catch up a bit!

Faith had her 2 month check up and first shots this week! :( We were so apprehensive about the shots...I was a wreck on the way to the doctor! She handled them a lot better than I though she would! Daddy was right there with us, and after only screaming for about a minute, Faith was okay! She fell asleep on the way home, and slept for about 45 minutes. She did run fever and was a little fussy the rest of the day, so I stayed home with her to watch her. I was just too nervous to leave her! The next day, she was perfectly fine!

She is growing like a little weed. I cannot believe she is already 2 months old...I now know why they say that your life literally flies right by you after you have a child! She is so absolutely breathtakingly beautiful though. It's amazing how perfect she is! Here are a few pictures! Enjoy!

Sean, Liz & Miss Faith :)