Tuesday, April 27, 2010

10 weeks!

Okay, I think this post will catch me up! yay :)

Faith is growing so quickly! She is smiling alllll the time now, and "silently" laughs at us when we smile at her! She has been rolling over from her back to belly for a few weeks now, and has gotten really good at it! She can hold her head up really well, and loves her tummy time mat! She's so alert and follows you around the room.....such a smart little girl. And she LOVES music!! She watches Dancing with the Stars with mommy, and mommy moves her legs around like she's dancing and she LOVES it! :) I can't wait till she gets old enough and I can enroll her in ballet and dance....she'll be so cute! :) Although, I do want to keep her little........I don't want her to grow up yet! She's still my little baby! :) Healthwise she's doing well...she has really bad acid reflux, so she spits up ALL the time :( But it doesn't seem to bother her! Dr. Alami suggested we try to give her rice cereal after her feedings, but I dont' want to start that just yet! She's too young, and I really don't want to start cereal feedings until she's 5-6 months old. If anyone has had experience with this problem let me know! I'd love some advice! :)

Here are some more pictures of our little munchkin! Enjoy!
Sean, Liz & Faith! :)

9 weeks!

A little behind, but I'll use this time to catch up a bit!

Faith had her 2 month check up and first shots this week! :( We were so apprehensive about the shots...I was a wreck on the way to the doctor! She handled them a lot better than I though she would! Daddy was right there with us, and after only screaming for about a minute, Faith was okay! She fell asleep on the way home, and slept for about 45 minutes. She did run fever and was a little fussy the rest of the day, so I stayed home with her to watch her. I was just too nervous to leave her! The next day, she was perfectly fine!

She is growing like a little weed. I cannot believe she is already 2 months old...I now know why they say that your life literally flies right by you after you have a child! She is so absolutely breathtakingly beautiful though. It's amazing how perfect she is! Here are a few pictures! Enjoy!

Sean, Liz & Miss Faith :)

Tuesday, April 13, 2010

8 weeks!

Catching up...

Faith turned 2 months old this week! She hit so many developmental milestones! Faith held her head up this week, and also rolled over for the first time! :) She's growing up way too fast! :(( She tries to talk all the time now, and smiles constantly! She's such a happy baby....except when she's hungry! Then she turns into the most IMPATIENT little one ever! She such a doll...and mommy and daddy are so in love with her! :) She's still having trouble with the whole "spitting/throwing up" deal.....every time she eats :( She goes to the dr. next week for her 2 month well check and shots :( So we'll bring it up again then. She's still trying to get over her awful cold....she has a stuffy nose all the time, and a cough that we just can't seem to shake. Last week we went to the Dr. to rule out RSV (thankfully!) So we are just trying to get rid of it the best we can. We sleep with 2 humidifiers at night, and use the saline drops all day. Hopefully she can get rid of this soon!! Enjoy the pictures! :)


Sean, Liz & Faith :)

7 weeks old....

Okay, I know we're a bit late on this one...but I'm trying to catch up!

Faith celebrated Easter during her 7th week of life! Easter was wonderful! Saturday, we attempted to take Faith to her first Easter Egg Hunt...but turned out a little different than we expected! We ended up heading out to the lake, but we were 15 minutes late. By the time we got there, the hunt was over :( But daddy surprised Faith and mommy by setting up our own Easter egg hunt in the backyard when we got home! So sweet....we got a few pictures, then releaxed the rest of the day. On Sunday, we went to church for Faith's first Easter service! She was adorable! She was a little bit fussy towards the end of the service, but overall she did excellent. She's growing like a weed! She loves her bathtime now, whereas before she would scream the whole time. She's smiling all the time now...such a beautiful happy baby! :) She makes our world go round! Enjoy the pictures!! :)

Monday, April 5, 2010

6 weeks old....

Well---I started back to work, so things got extremely hectic this week, hence posting this blog late! I started back to work when Faith turned 6 weeks old, and it was one of the hardest things I've had to do! I cried all the way to work that first day...I hated leaving her! My mother-in-law is watching her, which I know is so much better than sending her to daycare at this age...but it doesn't make it any easier leaving that beautiful face every morning! Needless to say, she has done just fine. This week she has had a bit of a cold...we took her to the dr. and thankfully ruled out RSV. She just has such a stuffy nose and a little cough :( But her spirits are good! She's such a happy baby! Fussy every once in a while, but overall, she has such a great temperment. She does have a temper though--she gets that from her daddy! She's just very impatient...especially when she's hungry! She's finally starting to put on weight...so for that we are grateful! She is still supplementing with formula...but only while I'm at work. She only takes around 2 bottles of formula a day. The rest comes from me. Here are some pictures from her 6th week of life :)