Monday, July 26, 2010

First Family Vacation! :)

We're baaaaack :) This week we took Faith on her first vacation....our first FAMILY vacation! :) We were verrrrry nervous about traveling with our 5 1/2 month old little girl...especially on the plane! Well, we didn't have to worry after all....she did WONDERFUL! Four flights total, and she didn't shed a single tear! We have a little jet setter!! I was very excited to get to see my family...although it was bittersweet. My great-grandmother is 99 1/2 years old (yes, we have FIVE generations in our family!) While I was lucky to get to have my daughter meet her great great grandmother, I couldn't help but cry at the thought of leaving her for teh last time. I know, as a nurse, and knowing the condition she is in, that she will not be with us for long. I know that at her age, the best thing will be when God himself opens his arms and welcomes her home. But selfishly I wish she would magically get better and stay with us longer. I know that being with Him is the best anybody can ever dream of, but it still saddens me :( I am happy that we were able to have our pictures made with all of the kids and family :) I have a few sneak peak pictures of our vacation...the rest will come in a few weeks! Can't wait till Christmas to see everybody again!!! I miss my family TOO much and hate spending this much time away! :( Faith loved meeting all of her family and she did so was a very tiring trip ( 4 days is just NOT ENOUGH!) and our little angel handled it so well! Enjoy these few pictures...look forward to posting more when we get all of them back! Our photographer was amazing-----Look her up: Butterfly Kisses~Memories by Natasha.

Sean, Liz & Faith

Monday, July 5, 2010

Faith's First 4th of July! :)

Well, this week has been fun!! James & Leslie came in to spend some time with us, and we all celebrated the 4th of July together! First, on Saturday, we fed Faith her first baby food!! She will be 5 months on the 10th, but up until this point she has only had breastmilk and formula (with a little rice cereal mixed in). So this was definately a big milestone. We started with apples, but they made her sneeze for some odd reason. It was sooooo funnny seeing her reactions to the food...she made some of the cutest faces! :) So since she was sneezing (and we were worried about an allergic reaction) we stopped the apples and switched to bananas. She wasn't too sure about those, but at least they didn't make her sneeze. I have a feeling it'll take awhile to get her used to these first foods. We also tried pear juice (she has been a little constipated since we started the rice cereal) but she didn't like the juice at all :( Oh will come soon enough. Then, Sean, Faith & I went to church Sunday morning, and then were very sad to hear that the McKenzie Park Firework Show had been canceled! :( So we went and bought fireworks to shoot for Faith's first fireworks show at home! :) We love living out of the Lubbock city limits and having that opportunity! Leslie & I first went to Wal Mart to grab a few things to cook James' birthday dinner (His bday is on the 8th). So we had a great dinner of porkchops, green beans & Mac-n-cheese. Then we got ready! We had bought two small Kids Packs (Which had all of the cutesy fountains, sparklers, etc...only things that didn't have a lot of noise!) and also bought a big artillery shell pack. Faith had fallen asleep before we set up, but luckily woke up before we started! I was so worried how she would react to the sounds...even though I kept my hands over her ears. She did fantastic!! She loved it...even kept making "oohing" sounds at all of the pretty fireworks. All of our neighbors were shooting big fireworks as well, so it ended up being a beautiful show! After we finished with the first big pack of shells, James & Sean decided they HAD to get another pack so they could shoot both at the same time (even though each shell was a double shot--they wanted 4 at a time!) Oh well, it was beautiful and Faith enjoyed it...even though mommy was (and is) paranoid about her having hearing damage!! I hope eveyone enjoyed their Independance Day...we sure enjoy celebrating all of Faith's first holidays and creating new family memories! :) We leave for Arkansas to visit my family 2 weeks from Thursday (on the 22nd) so my next post will have an update after our first family vacation!! Hope y'all have a wonderful next few weeks! :)

Sean Liz & Faith