Tuesday, August 9, 2011

Worst. Blogger. Ever.

Wow. I am the worlds worst at blogging!!! It has now been a YEAR (that's right, I said a YEAR!!) since I last blogged. So obviously, a LOT has happened!! I am going to do my BEST to start blogging again, so forgive me this time ;) I'll try to do a semi "quick" recap of the last year.

We just recently relocated to Weatherford OK last month. UGH--I am not happy about it at all!! Oklahoma, I have determined, is the WORST state ever! Can't wait to get back to Texas, hopefully in the next year or two!!!

I start school on the 22nd...very excited to be going back. Hopefully I will not have to take anymore breaks and can get finished with my nurse practitioners over the next few years!!!

Faith is now 18 months old!! Where has the time gone?! She is so much fun to be around. SOO smart! She is 31" and 22.5 lbs. Her hair is finally starting to grow, a very pretty honey blonde color! She has the BIGGEST beautiful blue eyes--you just get lost in them!! She just cut her 5th tooth (yes, her 5th, she is a very slow teether!) and we are praying that more come in soon. It would be much easier to feed my little rascal if she had more teeth!! She just got over a bout of pneumonia (thankfully we caught it time and she was put on antibiotics--no hospital stay!) She is much better now....back to her daredevil self! She loves her mommy and daddy, and loves her grandma!! She is in that very curious stage, and climbs up on EVERYTHING! I swear, one day I will find her on the refrigerator or something crazy, I'm sure lol! She is very smart...she can repeat nearly everything you say (we are having to be very careful now!) She can point to all of her body parts (head, ears, eyes, nose, mouth, elbow, knees, toes, and her favorite--her belly button!) She loves to dance. She loves music. She laughs all the time, and loves to make everyone laugh--she's our little clown. She'll do something crazy, laugh at herself, then look at you with a big grin to make sure you're laughing too! She loves bathtime and cuddling with mommy and daddy. She loves playing with cousin Braxton (My mother in law watches him during the week while Meg is at work). She is just at that age that is a blast, and I love every minute of it! (Well, minus the "several times a day" I have to put her in the time out chair!!)

Anyways, that's a quick version of what we are up to. I will try to start blogging regularly from now on and post pictures each time!!
Love you all!
Liz, Sean and Faith

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